
Entering a new episode of the lemniscate

Often during souljourneys we come to doors we have to open. Every door or portal is different, in visualisation, in ways to open and in ways to experience what lies behind.

This door we opened yesterday, was the opening of a new episode in life on earth. A phase in the never ending story, the lemniscat of everlasting life. It was opened by both spirits from earth as well as spirits from above. Diana and me with our guides, the four of us, but probably a lot of people did so together with their guides, and we were just shown this in a visualisation.

The above meets the below, and we will and shall work together in this new episode. There comes the alchemistic essence: As above, as below! We shall meet in the middle dear friends.

If you want to read the whole story you can go to this blog: http://adraainsoultravel.blogspot.nl/2012/09/de-vierkante-deur-en-de-nieuwe-fase.html I know it is in Dutch, we did not yet have time to translate the story, but you can try google translate for that, it always comes close :)

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