
Channeling Hermes 2011-12-15

From the roads on the land and waters flowing together to the sea you all experienced an increase in service to the Al. The Source of your existence lies not in economics or in the matter, nor in religion or politics. The Source of your existence is in love, the creation, in truth. Strive not to gather more material, because it only creates a sense of deficiency. Seek not after the latest beauty, because it does not love you. Strive after, the inner love and love for all, because therein lies the source of joy, of acceptance and surrender, a fruitful life will be yours when you live from the infinite source of your inner love.

Steer your own life from this enriching energy and experience the joy of life.

On days like this, the dark days before Christmas, you call them, many think about your lost loves and the dear ones who crossed over. A sense of loss is present in many. The dark time is for you to remind that there is also a time of light and warmth. As the cycles of the earth, so does man have his own cycle. Sticking to feelings of loss is not recommended because it only brings sorrow. Know that no one is ever lost, and that eternal life consists in equality and love on our side of being.

Some of you have accepted this as pure knowledge coming from within, guided by the experiences they have had in this life. Many of you will also expect to experience this in the coming year. An experience that will undoubtedly enrich your lives and love will bloom. Trust that this experience is part of your soulpath and chosen by yourself. The moment of this wonderful experience is more or less fixed, but time is flexible and in your eyes sometimes too fast or too slow. Do not wait for the experience, but live fully in faith that what is on your path, at the right time will come to you. It will be a great and uplifting experience in the contact between the beloved souls on earth and their accompanying loving souls on our side of the veil. We know some of you have the greatest difficulty with their patience, but we ask you to trust us.

After the holiday season of Christmas, you will enter the new year. You already feel the changing energies and increased vibration in your body. It gives much power to the intense light integrated into everyday life, so it is wise to handle a healthy lifestyle. Sufficient real fresh food and lots of fresh air will help you to give these energies a place and support your transformation.

Much will happen next year and we already see with love and joy to this beautiful events that you call the future.

I am Hermes.

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